Tuesday, December 15, 2009

rebirth of the intrepid writer


Not what I had in mind.

So, welcome all to my new blog. The main reason why I decided to change address and to leave my other blog behind is because that blog address is really hard to pronounce.


People go to me and say,

“Err… im-ma-jizz-me?”

And I’ll have to correct them over and over again to tell them that it’s short form for I AM JUST ME. Everyone’s patience has their limitation you see, so I guess my patience just burnt out (if you think of it metaphorically as a candle).

So basically this is an introduction to my new blog. A new canvas for me to spill all my thoughts, ranting, complain, blabbers, chatters and what not. I can’t wait to begin but I have to cut this short because no one likes a long intro right?

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